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Boundaries and structure are crucial for children in early childhood as they provide a sense of security, promote self-discipline, and facilitate optimal development. In a play-based setting, boundaries and structure are enforced in a different manner compared to compliance-based programs. Boundaries here may be enforced through strict rules and directives, limiting children's autonomy and creative expression. This hinders natural curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. A restrictive environment can stifle creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, impeding a child's holistic development and long-term success.


Play-based settings, on the other hand, encourage children to be active participants in setting boundaries and rules collaboratively, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment.

Boundaries create a safe and secure environment for children. The clear limits and rules help children understand what is expected of them and what behaviors are acceptable. This promotes emotional well-being and physical safety by preventing accidents, conflicts, and inappropriate behaviors.

Established through open communication, discussions, and modeling appropriate behavior, boundaries guide children in understanding and respecting empathy, cooperation, and positive social interactions.


Structure contributes to the development of self-discipline and self-regulation skills in children. Children learn to control their impulses, manage their emotions, and make responsible choices which are essential for their personal growth, relationships, and future academic success. Structure doesn't go away in play-based settings, they are just followed through with respect and kindness. 

In a play-based setting, self-discipline is encouraged through supportive guidance rather than strict compliance. Teachers foster self-regulation skills by promoting reflection, problem-solving, and conflict resolution within the context of play. Children are given the opportunity to make choices, take responsibility for their actions, and learn from their experiences. The good, the bad, and the ugly. 

Boundaries and structure provide a framework for learning and skill development in early childhood. They help children understand expectations, follow directions, and engage in purposeful activities. Structure supports the development of foundational skills such as attention, concentration, organization, and time management.

Boundaries create a sense of predictability and safety that allows children to take risks, be imaginative, and develop their unique ideas and perspectives. Children (and adults!) love to know what comes next and when to expect the change in the schedule, without one one might feel anxious or insecure about where they are in their day. 

Boundaries and structure in a play-based setting promote emotional well-being, self-discipline, and optimal learning experiences. They are enforced through open communication, guidance, and a focus on intrinsic motivation rather than external compliance. This approach allows children to develop important skills, independence, and a love for learning, while still respecting individuality and fostering creativity.


General Daily Classroom Schedule 

Take a look at an example of a daily classroom schedule that time blocks for the important transitions of the day. Each teacher adapts the specific happenings of their schedule to the unique classroom dynamic that they educate. 

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